For Schools



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In 2019 70000 New Zealand ākonga marched for the climate. That is a mass youth movement. But only 400 students studied NCEA Education for Sustainability that year.
Papa Taiao delivered to one in three of those ākonga.




Using the outdoors as a living classroom Papa Taiao Earthcare engages ākonga in environmental restoration actions.

  1. Ākonga, in consultation with the school and community, select from one or more of the Papa Taiao Earthcare theme areas of Moana, Whenua, Wai or Rangi.
  2. Ākonga and kaiako (teachers) then work with a Papa Taiao kaiako to choose a local issue they wish to address.
  3. Programmes of learning are then co-constructed to fit ākonga needs and interests.
  4. Ākonga learn an earth care skill set relevant to the issue they identify.
  5. Papa Taiao Earthcare then organises local passionate skilful instruction to deliver and assess a skills- or industry- based NCEA course.
  6. Papa Taiao Earthcare kaiako deliver an Education for Sustainability and/or Education for Enterprise course where ākonga are enabled to design, plan and implement an Action for a sustainable future.
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The students involved in the Papa Taiao enterprise course are the most involved students I have had. This is all the more impressive because they are the students that normally disengage from school.
— Lara Thompson, Papa Taiao Teacher at Greymouth High School



Papa Taiao Has three funding models:

Long Courses

Trades Academy Funded

School Funded

Short Courses:

Gateway and STAR Funded

School support

Our mission is to up-skill people across the country to develop and deliver sustainability learning environments in their own regions.

Contact us and we will support you to introduce project based sustainability programmes into your school or kura.

Short courses are supported with the help of local experts. For example, if you have an interest in running an apiculture course at your school, Papa Taiao Earthcare will work with you to find a willing bee-keeper to work with your ākonga.



All long course programmes revolve around Education for Sustainability and Enterprise achievement standards. All short courses revolve around vocational unit standards. Papa Taiao uses our PTE status to deliver vocation qualifications.

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Environmental Science

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Social Enterprise

Having impact as a Social Entrepreneur


Business, Enterprise and Innovation

Following your passions, being independent and leading your own future as an Entrepreneur.



Protecting our biodiversity and industry by controlling invasions of pest species.

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Green Jobs

Jobs for Nature is a new career pathway being opened by the recently announced COVID recovery package aiming to generate 6000 jobs in the next three years.