Nina Griffiths

Nina was the first Chief Sustainability Officer of any Papa Taiao Enterprise in 2016. Nina's passion is investigating ways in which business can be developed in recognition of environmental, cultural and social values. "You can save the oceans and make a living." 

Her Papa Taiao team and student enterprise was called Rangaunu Pure Blue. The original aim of Rangaunu Pure Blue was to establish and fund a Youth led Trust through the income from oyster farming.

After losing a close friend to suicide Nina and her team decided that they wanted to increase opportunity for young people in Kaitaia. 

Nina went on to win the people’s choice for New Zealand Herald’s young person of the year for her Youth Suicide preventions work with Mike King. She also won a place on the Enterprise in Action team that toured San Francisco.

Nina worked for Papa Taiao as a youth ambassador or tuakana and actively participated in the design of our courses.